I confess: I was originally going to blog the vegetarian chili recipe from the January 2011 issue of Real Simple just as it was, linking to it instead of writing my own version. Because when I made it, I was duly impressed. I couldn't think of a single thing I'd want to change.Then I read the … [Read more...]
Sassy Black-Eyed Pea and Poblano Pepper Dip
When I first made this black-eyed pea dip for my friend's New Year's get-together, even with a generous garnish of fresh chopped cilantro, it lacked what you might call "curb appeal." People liked it once they tried it, but the ho-hum beige color wasn't quite enough to lure some folks in for that … [Read more...]
Black-Eyed Peas and Homonyms
In the interest of securing good luck for 2011, I made a kicky black-eyed pea dip for my friend's Rose Bowl gathering. The dip went over well, and I'll be posting the recipe tomorrow (once I've had the chance to tweak it). Since I like to learn about what I'm eating these days, though, I did a … [Read more...]
2011 Declared the Year of the Vegetable
It's official: vegetables are the food rock stars of 2011. So announced George Ball (okay, in so many words) in an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal Monday, where he discussed the role of vegetables in helping curb childhood obesity. Of course, as chairman of the W. Atlee Burpee Company and … [Read more...]
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Veggie Quest!
For Christmas, my wonderful readers, I wanted to give you the world. Something that would delight and inspire you, make your daily life easier, improve your posture, and wash your dishes while it was at it. But then I came up with the idea of making a Christmas tree out of brussels sprouts, which … [Read more...]
Celeriac: Do the Mash
The grubby orbs beckoned to me from across the produce section, their bottoms bedecked with what looked vaguely like octopus-tentacle suction cups.We’re the ugliest vegetables you’ve never tried, they whispered. Come check us out.I was in a hurry that day; no time for a new-veggie meet-and-greet. … [Read more...]
Midweek Dash: Winter Avocado and Grapefruit Salad
Tasting is believing, Veggie Questers. My mom first served this salad while I was home from college on winter break, lo the many years ago. I have no idea where she got the inspiration for this particular combination, but to be honest, I was initially unenthused. The concept of avocados and … [Read more...]
Christmas Tree Jelly (Sort of)
As I was putting up my Christmas tree last week, inhaling its gorgeous piney fragrance (actually the smell of the natural antifreeze that allows evergreens to remain, well, ever green), a thought hit me: jelly.To put everyone’s mind at ease, no, I don’t plan to make my Christmas tree into jelly. … [Read more...]
Midweek Dash: Broccolini with Balsamic Vinaigrette
Contrary to appearances, Broccolini isn't just gangly teenage broccoli; rather, it's a hybrid between broccoli and gai lan (Chinese kale). The result is a sweet, mild veggie with crisp, mellow stalks reminiscent of asparagus topped with endearing fringes of florets. When buying, pick Broccolini … [Read more...]
Chameleon Slaw with Apples
No, it's not made out of chameleons. (Ew.) But this slaw does change colors depending upon the "environment" in which it’s placed (which I think is ridiculously cool), and it uses apples, a factor critical to its very inception. Perhaps I should explain myself. I’ll start with the … [Read more...]