Photo credit: Eric Rolph. Source: English Wikipedia I was munching on a Butterfinger and surfing my favorite food blogs when I realized that I’d almost missed National Nutrition Month this March. (No, the irony wasn’t lost on me.) For those who don’t know, National Nutrition Month (NNM) is … [Read more...]
Weird and Wonderful Avocado Chocolate Peanut Butter Pudding
You know you want to try pudding made out of chocolate and peanut butter…and avocados. OK, well, at the very least I know I want you to try it—because the experience of tasting this pudding for the first time is downright bizarre and I think you'll get a kick out of it. Your taste buds expect … [Read more...]
Butternut Baby Belly Laugh – Funny Veggie Video!
Veggie Questers! I've missed you! I'm finally back from the abyss of overbusy-ness and food poisoning. (No, I don't think it was from veggies, thank goodness.)Anyhow, I've got so much to share with you—including a crazy new way to prepare avocados that I'll be posting soon. But since I'm easing back … [Read more...]
Midweek Dash: Easy Sautéed Carrots with Onions and Rosemary
I found the silver lining in my most recent epic cooking fail: it is possible to like cooked carrots. Normally I find cooked carrots revolting. I can manage them raw (slathered with hummus), but boiling, steaming or otherwise smushifying them into sickeningly sweetish, squishy bits trips my gag … [Read more...]
Sauteed Kale with Onions and Garlic
This sauteed kale recipe may be basic, but it's no less tasty for it. What's more, kale holds its frilly texture even as it softens during the quick saute and simmer, so it provides a tasty textural counterpoint to heavy winter entrees. Before you start, though, be sure to wash kale thoroughly and … [Read more...]
Kale: Fun Facts on a Brassica Breakout
There's a lot more to this leafy green than meets the eye. For instance, what do kale, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, collard greens, kohlrabi, and cabbage all have in common? (Besides a tendency to smell a little funky when overcooked?)Go on, guess. I'll wait right here.If you said … [Read more...]
Midweek Dash: Mushrooms with Garlic and Wilted Spinach
My friend Jen suggested this combination to me, and personally I think it's inspired. Not only is it a mash-up of my favorite steakhouse sides, but it's quick and easy to boot. No need to relegate it to the role of side dish, though; according to Jen, if you toss it with some pasta and a little … [Read more...]
Roasted Butternut Squash with Cumin
Time to enjoy this prickly squash’s sweet side! The idea for this recipe came from Nick Foster, the amazing chef who cooked my father-in-law’s birthday dinner while we were on vacation in England's Lake District a few years back. What a treat! His food was fantastic and—more importantly—he … [Read more...]
Beware the Butternut Squash: Treacherous, Delicious
I'm beginning to conclude that perhaps the delectable butternut squash does not want to be eaten.First, these squashes seem to come with their own built-in self-defense systems:If you grab said squashes by their stems, tiny talons will deploy, leaving itty-bitty squash-stem-sticker splinters in your … [Read more...]
Smoking Grass: It’s Not What You Think
File this in the "what the hay?" category: using smoldering hay to smoke food. (Indoors, no less.) Apparently, hay-smoked food is all the rage amongst au courant chefs—who, according to today's article by Jim Shahin in the Washington Post, have used hay to smoke everything from potatoes to quail … [Read more...]