I'm writing this post with mixed emotions. Not about the smoothie, though! The smoothie is so, so good. Fresh-picked summer strawberries good. Dessert-for-breakfast good. In fact, the inspiration for this smoothie was actually a fresh strawberry cake that a neighbor of mine in Chapel … [Read more...]
Are You Using this Easy Tip to Save on Produce?
Hey there, veggie fans! I hope you had a fantastic 4th of July weekend, because I know I did. In fact, I got to spend Saturday doing what I love most—cooking and sharing yummy, healthy, plant-powered food with friends. Our Independence Day cookout started off with bevvies, fresh veggies, … [Read more...]
Low-Fat Vegan 4th of July Recipes
If you can't imagine celebrating the fourth without a picnic or cookout—but want to treat your friends and family to food that truly nourishes—this post's for you! I've rounded up 5 fabulous low-fat vegan recipes for a delicious and nutritious 4th of July. From veggie burgers you can actually grill … [Read more...]
2 Pounds of Vegetables a Day – June 2015
Now that I’m done with nutrition classes, I’ve had some time to breathe. I took a Memorial Day vacation to West Virginia with my husband and in-laws, scrubbed down my kitchen, and even caught up on filing. What can I say, I'm a wild woman! Oh, and I turned 35. Happy birthday to me. :-) … [Read more...]
Are you eating this cancer fighter?
Since I eat a plant-based diet, I tend to think of beans as a convenient (and cheap) source of plant-powered protein. However, according to a recent "mega-study," beans may be so much more than chip dip and 10-minute taco filling. … [Read more...]
Low Fat & Gluten-Free Vegan Brunch Menu
Brunch is my favorite meal, yet I rarely have it. Luckily Mother's Day provided the perfect excuse! The original plan was to go out to brunch at Great Sage, a local vegan restaurant, because I had a little mishap: Yes, in my infinite skill and grace, I slammed my finger in MY OWN FRONT … [Read more...]
Low-Fat Chocolate Frosting (Vegan, Soy-Free)
You need chocolate frosting. You also need to eat your vegetables! Luckily, this chocolate frosting, which also happens to be low-fat, vegan, and soy-free, has you covered on both fronts. The very veggie secret? Vitamin-A rich, fiber-fabulous sweet potatoes! While these tasty tubers may … [Read more...]
4 Tips for a healthier you
After a long absence, I’m delighted to be back! Not only was I contending with a respiratory virus that wouldn’t quit for most of March (made worse by an untimely bout of insomnia—lucky me!), but I’ve been utterly immersed in one of my classes, Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT). In MNT, my … [Read more...]
2015 Dietary Guidelines Committee Report: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Did you know that a single document guides every federal nutrition program and policy created? This document, called the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, outlines recommendations that (ideally) help prevent disease and promote health in Americans age 2+.1 Sounds good, right? Not so fast. … [Read more...]
Loaded Veggie Chili (Vegan, Oil-Free)
Veggie Quest is supported by readers like you. If you buy something through a link in this post, you’ll get a great product, and I may get a commission at no cost to you. Win-win! Thanks to everyone who left a comment on my last post, Eating Your Feelings. With the sadness slowly subsiding to a … [Read more...]