Here’s a homework assignment I actually enjoyed: Make a fun video promoting healthy food!
Creating the video was part of a school lunch menu project for my Foodservice Management class. (SO many classes to become a registered dietitian.) Specifically, we had to design a week-long menu that met the nutritional specifications of the National School Lunch Program. Then we had to create a 2-3 minute video promoting the healthy choices on offer.
Of course, my menu was plant-powered—not to mention totally yummy! You probably also won’t be surprised to learn that a nutritional analysis revealed it was rich in protein, iron, vitamin A, and vitamin C, and packed some superhero phytochemicals to boot.
In the video, though, I focused on the powerful benefits of a specific vegetable served each day (seeing as to how spaghetti with no-meat balls and chocolate-banana brownies pretty well sell themselves). I reworked the video a little bit for Veggie Quest, so it’s less about lunch and more about YOUR great health.
Hopefully you’ll smile, laugh, and maybe even be inspired to eat a SUPERVEGGIE today!
Hi Lee–that was fun! Thanks for sharing. I loved that red cabbage was the first one out fo the gate, and that it makes me smart. I need it!
Ha! Me too, Maria! Although I’ve been to your blog and read your writing, and I can unequivocally say that you are one sharp lady. 🙂 Glad you liked the video, though!
Love the video! Nothing like some veggie powered energy to get you through the day
True story! Or to power you through watching a draft video for your wifey approximately 15,023 times… 😉
Awesome video Lee! I love your super people =) And great tips of course too!
So cute!
Thanks Kimmy, I had so much fun making it! I’m definitely going to have to find more ways to work the super people into Veggie Quest, though… 😉