Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Given how much sticking to a low-fat, plant-based diet over the past two months has reduced my breast pain (thank you Dr. Neal Barnard and Foods That Fight Pain), I’ve been really good about staying the course. That said, for me, St. Patrick’s Day always brings to mind a host of unhealthy traditions that—I confess—I miss.
Green beer and green cupcakes, for example, top the list!
So while green smoothies are great (in fact, I plan on starting my St. Patty’s Day with one), I’m finding myself having pangs for addictive green treats.
That said, I don’t want to go there! I’ve been doing too well to get back on the junky, emotional-eating roller coaster.
So I’m asking you, healthy plant-based diva (or dude), for suggestions: What’s your favorite healthy St. Patty’s Day treat?
Whether it’s traditional Irish fare with a vegan twist or your favorite green dish, tell me about it! Bonus points if you leave me a link to your recipe so I can try it out. Can’t wait to hear your suggestions!
Image credits:
Shamrock: By graymalkn, [CC-BY-2.0] via Wikimedia Commons
Cupcakes: By tonydolor, [CC BY-ND 2.0] via Flickr
My broccoli bars 🙂 a little crazy but. . .<br /><br />http://fatfreevegan.com/slowmiracle/2014/03/13/broccoli-bars-2/<br /><br />Here's to staying the course!
Hi Maria, I wasn't sold on the broccoli bars concept at first blush, but now that I've read the post on your blog, I'm intrigued! I am a huge zucchini bread fan, so broccoli isn't that much of a stretch. Will have to try them!
Happy Belated St. Paddy's Day =) Good for you for staying the course with your healthy eats Lee. You are an inspiration.<br />I made this pie this year and was pretty happy with the healthful ingredients:<br />http://rockmyvegansocks.vaskor.ca/st-paddys-pi/<br />Also – do you have the Rawvolution cookbook? If not, I bet you could borrow it from your local library. There is a spirulina pie in
No, I've never even heard of Rawvolution. But I'm adding it to my Amazon wish list, since I trust your taste! And do you know I've never actually tried spirulina? But it's adorable on your St. Paddy's pie!